Here you can view the list of items others need or you can list any services or equipment you may need. Needs are listed in order of the most current listing.

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Respite  Transportation  Services  Equipment  Vans/Cars  Other


Date Name City Contact Request For Additional Information
082909 Christina Chance Elsberry, Mo 573-898-5445 or 660-281-4315
Financial Assistance
I need $1,000 for deposits to move. I have a job in Sadalia, Mo as soon as I can move there. I want to get off state aide to make a new life for my 3 kids. My husband & I lost a son in death in Nov. of 2007 (he was 7&1/2 months old) & things have been bad for us since. We have been living place to place & I want a stable place for us. Please help me get a place for me & my 3 kids.
072708 Randy Patterson Moreno Valley, CA 1-951-965-8134
Financial Assistance I'm in need of $900.00 to by this used car for my family. This car will help me get to work so I will be able to provide for my family of 7. We are currently on County Aid and I'm trying to make a way for us to get back on our feet. I have spoken to the person who is selling the car and I expressed my interest as well as my current situation. He's willing to hold the car for me but I need $900.00 for the complete purchase of the car.
072508 Chanda Modesto, CA 1-209-556-7532
Financial Assistance I am in need of getting my electric bill paid. I have 2 little ones and one on the way. I have been working through a temp agency, but they have not found me a job to work at. I can barely make rent so I really don't have enough to pay my electric bill. They gave me a final notice to pay 300 Dollars by 7-31-2008 or they are going to disconnect my service. I tried to make a payment plan but they told me that is the least amount they are willing to take. I am not working I DON'T have the money. I am afraid that my family and I are going to have to live in our home with no electricity. It is extremely hard since the heat here is overwhelming. We are always hot. Trying to keep cool during this hot weather is very hard for us.
041108 No name given buffalo ny  1-716-605-5014
Roof Repair We are a family of five. My husband works very hard and is just making the bills, we own our home and now are in desperate need of a roof repair, our roof is just crumbling everyday, We have had estimates and they are very expensive. We have tried to apply for help and loans but because of credit issues we don't qualify. We are afraid that we may lose our home, if any one can help we would be very grateful thank you.
040108 Candace Wells Sylvania, Alabama 1-256-717-9682
Electrical Assistance I'm a single mother of 2 and living in government housing. My live in fiance left me recently. We had had an agreement that we would put our money together to pay bills. I stupidly had allowed him control over the finances. Since he's left. I've discovered that instead of paying the bills, he was blowing our money, including all that I had given him for bills, on the woman he left me for. I've been struggling since then to get the bills paid back up but have now been put out of work. I'm in desperate need right now. I'm still 2 months behind on my electric bill. And if it's cut off, I will loose my government housing. If anyone can please give me assistance in this, it would be greatly appreciated. Or direct me to where I can find assistance. I've contacted every agency I know of in this area and all are out of funds at this time.
111007 Charolett Dennis Mt. Carmel, TN
423 357-2986
Financial Assistance I need help with utility bills. I have seven children plus myself. My ex doesn't help me with anything and now I've found out that I have osome type of oral cancer. I'm also trying to save up money to repair my honda plus save for Christmas for my kids. There's only so much one person can handle and I believe my plate is running over. Any help would be greatly appreciated or information on where or how to help would be helpful too. Thank You and God Bless
100607 Not given Not given  Financial Assistance My mother is a 40 year old single mother of five. She has never needed assistance before, and is scared to ask for help. Her power was supposed to be shut off on the 1 of Oct. It will be turned off soon. She did go ask the local community action agency and was told to come back on the 25th. She does have a job and has always to real well about money. she has had serious car trouble and has missed a lot of work this month due to not having a way to get there. What she did make she had to use to fix the car. She is is also having really high power bills. Her bill is 947.00. there is no way she can pay that, and they won't give her any more time. She also pays 900. in child support to her ex husband, who has kicked out the children and they have been living with my mom for 8 months. She can't save enough money to pay the 2500 in lawyers fees. Please, 500.00 may hold the power company off?
100607 Denise Chartrand Gary, IN 
219 886-1086
Financial Assistance I need help paying my security deposit so I can get into my low-income housing apartment
100507 Brenda Anderson Fairfield, OH 
513 886-5358
Electricity  Please call me asap. I am in desperate need of assistance to get electricity, as we are both disabled and need electric. We are both to old and have been living out of our old car and now found apt, but he wont rent until electric is on in my name.
100407 Danielle Weaver Charleston WV 
304 993-8709
Christmas help and financial assistance  I am needing an angel for my children for Christmas. They are great kids and I'm a single mother working fulltime and still not making enough to cover the bills. I have a gas bill termination notice. I also am in need of a double stroller, before winter. I have to walk my daughter and little cousin (I have temp custody of her while her mother is in rehab) to preschool every morning as well as take my 5 month old son as well. A Christmas angel for them would take so much stress off my plate. Even used things would be a blessing, as they all need warm clothing for winter. The phone # listed is for message only. I have no phone. I can provide any proof of income, situation that you may need. Thanks in advance.
093007 Malinda Ford White Plains, MD 
301 374-6604

Financial Assistance Family of 6 in need. We have to move from the house we are living in because we can not afford it any longer. We found another house we can afford. We have the security deposit but need help with partial rent. We have 4 children and 2 are disabled. Low income family.
092907 Chasity Eggleson Monroe, WA 
360 793-3655

Trailer roof repair. My husband is disabled he has M.S., We have two kids we are living in an older trailer with leaky roof. we need help fixing, if someone knows anyone who could help us with really low monthly payments to fix roof that would be great! Thanks
092507 Bill Cunningham Bakersfield, CA 
Financial Assistance I worked in the same industry for 27 years much of it as contractor. Over the last 8 yrs I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis that has spread to nearly every joint in my body. I cannot do the work I used to do so I am working as self employed doing windshield repairs. Business is slow. My wife is permanently disabled and cannot work. We are raising our granddaughter and 3 of our own children. The local human services dept. will only allow us 300 dollars a month in cash aid. That won't even touch the utility bills. Our rent is past due and we are facing eviction with no where to go. I tried to find work but I can't stand or sit for long periods due to the pain and discomfort of OA. we need any kind of financial assistance you can help us with. I hope Jesus steers you to this message because i am quickly giving up hope.
092007 Jason Anthony Sacramento, CA 


Financial Assistance I was a teacher for 11 years....all of a sudden ....lost job. I have been loogking for work as a job. UNEMPLOYED FOR 3 MONTHS. My power bill will be shut off this Friday (09/21) Please can't someone pay my bill before 4:00 tomorrow.!!!!!! I will have rent coming up soon. I have cable, and auto insurance due as well.
091907 Amanda Pratt Sedalia, MO 


Financial Assistance I'm a single mother of a 9 and 4 yr old. I Lost my job in 2005 to Mexico. Granted they pay for me to go to school but I'm still struggling to pay the bills. On Friday my electricity will be shut off if I don't pay the bill. My bills have never been behind like they are now. About 4 months ago the kids father quit his job and stopped paying child support. Without that extra money we were getting to pay the bills I'm been trying to make $225 stretch each week. Haven't been able to buy the kids clothes or shoes like they need or been able to put enough food on the table some months I go without so my kids won't. If there is anyway anyone can help me I would be grateful not sure what else I can do. My family has no means to help me.
091907 Carol Crane Quitman, GA
Financial Assistance In need of financial miracle. I cannot describe how difficult my life is. I am a divorced single mom with 3 children we are domestic violence survivors. My 13 year old son has PTSD and attachment disorder. He lies and steals so we can't go to church, visit friends. I have PTSD. Depression, Fibromyalgia, Herpetic Neuralgia, Sleep disorder. My teeth are in terrible condition and pain from them is almost constant. I work but do not make enough money to keep up with rising cost of living. We receive 145.00 a month food stamps. DFACS considers court ordered child support income even though he never pays it. because of the fact he is a sociopath i want file charges against him. Physically and mentally i cannot make it much longer. Tthank you for help, prayers. God Bless all those in need.
091907 Laur Mcewen Dallas, TX No Email Given
Financial Assistance Mom of two and it seems that ever since I got a divorce i haven't been able to get back on my feet. My car sits on my mothers drive way because my tags and stickers have been expired. I married when I was in the military and I am going thru a very rough time. January of last year I was a dental assistant and I came down with graves disease although treatment was given to me I believe I am well now.. I have not returned to the Drs due to financial circumstances. The father of both of my girls doesn't help me as he should. I have been trying and trying but he is not helping. I was forced to let go of my job in Florida due to this problem, I stay at my mothers. The girls and I have to sleep in one room. I have not had a very good turn around job wise. Any little would help for I know that God has had a hand on my daughters and I and things have been ok we have a roof and they have clothes on their back...
091907 Pansy Santiago-Siler Cordova, TN 
Financial Assistance We got a loan to purchase a lift van and are having a very hard time trying to keep it. Where can we find a grant or funding for this lift van. Our daughter has a very heavy power chair with a head guidance system. She cannot work a manual chair because she cannot use her arms.
091507 Samantha Roberts Saucier, MS 


Financial Assistance I have a 24 year old sister who has grand mal seizures. She used to work but every job she gets she has a seizure and has to quit. She cannot drive until she is seizure free for a year so far it has not happened for her since she had her first seizure in forth grade. She was bitten by a dog and was picked on her whole life. She thought there was no reason for her to live. She had a little baby boy who is almost a year and he is the only thing keeping her going. But, she still gets down and out because her boyfriend and baby's father has now dumped her. She cannot work or drive she lives with my parents who barely have any money to help. If anyone would like to donate any thing for her or the baby Please contact me. Anything would be appreciated.
091107 Gwen Morrison Hull, MA 
Job and babysitter I am a 37 year old single mother in great need of a reliable vehicle, as well as, a babysitter and job. I had moved to be near my father and step-mother as they insisted that I would make better money in MA. When I moved in with my parents, they realized how difficult it is to be a single mother and a manager of a residential agency; caring for individuals with mental/physical disabilities. As a result, my parents became frustrated and "kicked" me and my two boys (ages 14 and 1 1/2) out of their home. Due to being homeless, me and my two boys stayed in my car while I continued to work as a residential manager (having to take my two boys to work with me). Recently, my car broke down and will cost $1,800.00 to repair. Because I have struggled with finding a babysitter that I can afford as most babysitters on the South Shore charge over $200.00 weekly, I lost my job as I must be with my young son until I can find a sitter for him. Now, I have nothing. I have excellent skills. However, due to the fact that I am a single mother, I do not have any friends to rely on, and my single mother chaos chased my family away. Is there anyone out there that can assist me with affordable housing, a babysitter, and a car in MA?
091107 Charmaine Jones Elgin Texas
512 285-6039
Financial Assistance I am a single mother of two girls. I have a A student in high school and a 2nd grader in love with science. I have never been on any assistance and have been the sole provider to my kids. I have always worked two jobs to support my kids however, due to illness I was unable to keep my second job and lost it right after the holidays. I was unable to secure a second job that fit my schedule until this month (Sept). That has put me behind in my rent payment. I owe in fees and rent 1399. I just can't seem to caught up to pay that off and get back on track. With my new part time job I will be able to pay on time but if I don't payoff what I owe I won't be able to do this. Please help. Thank you.
090707 Bryan Emerson Earlington, KY 
Small Loan I am a disabled welder with degenerative disc disease, an extreme anxiety. my disability is in the final stages and my fiancée and I were living on her disability well.. She passed away on September 2, 2007. And now I am in a destitute situation until my disability starts, which should not be much longer. I am not asking for a hand out, I am asking if anyone can, Give me a hand up. All I need is a small loan and I would sign a contract through my disability attorney. If anyone is capable and willing, please contact me.
090607 Amy White Springfield AR 
Help with relocation Hi, I'm a 26 year old woman. Mom of 2 boy's and i was raped on a job. I want to get away from my attacker. We live in the same town and he's always where me and my kids are. I'm wanting to get away and move two a different state but cant afford it. I want to know that me and my kids are safe and fare away from him. I'm needing donations what ever would help. I'm really need to get out of here. I'm being harassed and there's no help for relocation where I'm at. Please anything would be appreciated. Thanks.
090407 Jennifer Hall Clearwater, FL 
Financial Assistance No further details given
082607 Starterica Burns Lakewood, OH 
School Clothes Need school clothes for kids
082307 Sheila Long Bowling Green, KY
Financial Assistance I don't have any insurance or any medical card either, but I have a large mass in my pelvic area and it's growing. I can't go to the doctor because he wants $2000 up front before he will see me and do anything and our only income is my disabled husband's SS Disability check, so we can't get any money. Cancer runs in both sides of my family. Please someone help me. I don't want to die. I am only 53. Please only serious replies only, this is an urgent and emergency cry for help and I have checked every where for help. No children at home, no help. Thanks
082307 Katrina Camacho Amarillo, TX
Financial Assistance My daughter and I are facing eviction! room mate left and we are stuff with all bill. we have nowhere to go. we have tried all local services and have had no luck. please help!!
082007 Tracy Mendoza Sugarland, TX
Financial Assistance I am a single mother of 2. My Son is about to start kindergarten and I am behind on my rent and other utility bills. I need to buy him school clothes but I don't have enough to even pay for the things that we need to have. I really need some help. Their father was deported 5 yrs ago and I have been doing this on my own ever since. I really need some help.
080107 Yolanda Robinson Columbia, SC
Financial Assistance I am a single Mother Of a 13 year old. I work 2-3 jobs off and on to maintain my household I got behind now that I'm working 1 job. I'm trying to stay home more with my daughter. My mortgage company wants me to pay $3000 by the 15th of August. I have no idea what to do.
080107 Kelly Delaney Clearwater, FL 
941-623-6054 941-623-6054
Financial Assistance I am a hard working single mom and I am about to lose the last bit of things I have. I work very hard and have no parents or family. I do not know when and if I could pay you back. I rely on my auto for work and it is days from being repossessed. Please help me. I am a good person and I have been in trouble without anyone to turn to. I have no immediate family. Please help!
073107 Shannie Neal Middletown, NY 
Financial Assistance I am a single parent raising 3 boys on my own. I recently lost my job back in May. I currently feel behind in making my rent payments for two months. Reason is that I had no assistance with making my car payments each month, light and Gas along with rental assistance. I have gone to department of social services and they have denied my case. My case for food stamp assistance is pending. My landlord is ready to evict me. Should I not come up with $2,318.00 immediately. If anyone out there knows of a way to help me please do so.
Rhonda Ingram Paris, TX 
School Clothes Hi there my name is Rhonda ,i am a single mother of 4 and 1 grandson. My oldest daughter was in a car wreck and totaled my car, I took care of my grandson for 31 days while she was in the hospital and even when she got out. I had to quit work cause i no longer have a car. We live in a roach infested house and the flooring is caving in on certain places in the house. We can not afford to move or get another vehicle but my main concern is getting school clothes for my 3 kids who are in school, I do not have the money to buy them any, the only income we have coming in is social security (from my 2 girls father who passed away) and child support (not much). We get food stamps but not enough. Can someone help please? Thank You
073007 Katrina Camacho Amarillo, TX 
Rent and bill assistance My daughter and will soon be facing eviction, i am desperately requesting help in paying all i am asking for is $500 to help. thank you to anything anyone can do for us it is GREATLY
072607 Denise Mallin Phoenix AZ


Help with Electric Bill I am a single mom of a soon to be 10 year old and we are on APS equalizer program and have been late in paying the bill as all we live on is child support and food stamps. Now they are demanding a 300.00 deposit by Monday July 30, 2007. I have no where to go to get this kind of money and have called as many agencies and donation places I could find to no avail. Is there anyone out there who might be able to help us with the 300.00?? We would be eternally grateful. God bless you all and thank you for reading this plea.
072307 Debby Childers Chatsworth, GA
Financial Assistance For my 11 year old son's tuition. I am in need for contributions to my sons tuition. He has attended a private Christian school all his life and now I am in a financial bind until next year. Any donation is appreciated. It is a tax deduction and can be sent directly to the school. God Bless you.
072307 Teletha Finch Jasper, AL
205 221 1656
Financial Assistance I'm a single parent of three children. I have a disabled son that's seven. He has lots of appointments in Birmingham which is about 45 miles from home. Right now I'm not able to work because I have to give him his meds thru an IV. Ii still have bills to pay two other kids that are teenagers that have needs and I still have to make a way to get gas to go back and forth. My checking account is -346.00 because of a billing mistake. I go back and forth to b ham also for kidney and high blood problems. I'm about to lose my truck apartment and my mind. Thanks for listening.
071907 Stephoney Pack Lovely KY
606 395-5859
School Clothes and Bed Room Furniture I urgently need clothes size 5 or 6 in lil girls pants, shirts x/small or 5 & 6, size 9 in lil girl shoes. Having rough time. Looking for Bed Room suite for daughter as well, Thank You God Bless.... Visit our website: 
071607 Kim Smith  Gary IN
219 951-0036
Financial Assistance I am a single mother of five boys and a live-in granddaughter. I have cancer and because I tried to work 6 months last year disability has decided to suspend my check making it impossible to pay my rent. I am facing being evicted if I do not come up with 800.00 before August. If there is anyone out there that can assist me please email me or call me. Hopefully the phone will remain on. I have reposted my resume on hoping to gain another job no matter how sick I am. I have to provide for my children and keep a roof over their heads. Thank you in advance for reading my posting and may God bless you.
071307 Bettie Hubbard Reed City, MI 


Financial Assistance Help with back rent. Son started getting SSI. He has had 3 surgery's and 2 body casts since Feb 07. We fell behind now we have to come up with 1350.00 My son has leg-calve-perthes disease. It's were your hip starts dieing off. As of right now he has half of a fake hip. And the doctor says he will have chronic pain the rest of his life! He's only 9. Could someone please help. Thank you
071107 Leanne Valdez Phoenix, AZ 
623-587-1700 x2081
Financial Assistance Desperate rent assistance! Facing eviction from an extended stay apartment unless I can pay one week rent immediately. Only requesting assistance with $300.00
071007 Swindar Logue Saint Clair, MI 
Financial Assistance Legally separated single mother of two seeking any financial help and a computer for my son for school.
070107 Dixie Degler Napoleon, OH 
Financial Assistance Assist in paying rent
062607 Rosie Parker Hueytown, AL ABURN65@TMAIL.COM 
Utility Bills/Clothes I am A deaf Mother of 3 children. I just lost my job and cant afford to catch up with the utility bills. I need someone to help my children to have school clothes and shoes for the fall going back to school.
062607 Dawn Robinette Wickliffe, KY 


Groceries In need of a helping hand. I'm 33 years old, my husband was laid off from his job and we had to move in with my mom and sister until we get back on our feet but my mother health is bad and my sister has health problems. By time they pay all the other bills there is nothing left for groceries. Just need a helping hand to get back on our feet. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.
062207 Delinda Cole-Cooper Detroit, MI 
Financial Assistance I'd just would like to possibly get some financial help with paying a outstanding light and gas bill that I've been paying on, but can't  get down far enough to keep it from going off very soon.
062107 Angela Poarch Pulaski, TN 


Financial Assistance I am in desperate need for help with rent and deposit. I am a single mother of 1 and my daughters daddy threw us out. i have found us a place to stay I just don't have the money for rent or deposit right now. I start work Monday and I can pay someone back. i am not asking for money directly. You may even give the money directly to the landlord if interested. thank you and God bless.
061807 Nancy Dziuba Sacramento CA 
Help with electricity bill (SMUD) I am a single mom with three kids. I fled a violent environment exactly one year ago. I am now attending college, have completed my second year and am hopefully soon transferring to Mills College with a 3.8 GPA. I can make ends meet with financial aid, but over the summer it is difficult. I am approx. $250.00 behind on my SMUD bill and will be disconnected (tomorrow) unless I can come up with $105.00 before I am shut off. If I am shut off, I will have to pay the entire $250.00 and a fee to get turned back on. Meanwhile, I will lose a refrigerator full of food :-( I am trying to sell a broken down car to help pay, but no takers yet :-( Can anyone help?
061607 Virginia Coleman Gilbert AZ


Financial Assistance I live in Arizona and I need financial assistance so I am able to take care of my mother while she is sick. Have been struggling with work, school, and health needs with my mother since she is not able to get out of bed. Any type of assistance would help me. I just need to be able to stay more at home and pay the bills since my mother is not able to work. Please I need your help. Thank you and God Bless
061307 Amy Martinez  Elkin NC Financial Assistance My name is Amy Martinez and I am a single mother of 2 girls and unemployed. Hard at looking for work. I just finished school with my BS which I am VERY proud of but we live in Elkin NC which is a very small town with not a lot of opportunity as far as good jobs. I will have no choice but to travel at least an hour to nearest bigger town like Winston Salem. I have 2 girls, one is 6 years old and I also have a 14 year old disabled daughter. She gets SSI and has severe developmental, mental, speech, learning, and some psychological disabilities, emotional behavioral issues that she suffers. It is extremely hard on me being alone with no help other than Medicaid and few food stamps. My daughter gets 563.00per month and I have rent, light, phone etc and we never have enough stamps to have food to the end of the month so as you can see, we struggle. We struggle a lot. My finishing school is a milestone that I know that God had planned for me and I finished FINALLY. It was very hard as I too suffer severe depression, and am under tremendous stress constantly from month to month worrying about tomorrow. My car is a V-8so i worry very much about even the cost of gas since obviously I will have such a commute if and when I do find work. Right now we are behind on my rent and we are very destitute and I am so very depressed don't know what to do. I have been unable to find any help especially here is such a small area. All the places I have been to or referred to only tell me that they have limited funds and this and that. I have not found one place to help us. We are very close to getting evicted and the amount that we need is 460.00 just to get caught up on the trailer/lot rent and I am so very down and frustrated. I only have internet because it was necessary for my school (most of my classes were done online) and now that I am finished with school I also am about to loose it too. I am slap broke, I mean slap broke and I cant afford to buy my daughter clothes not even from a goodwill or salvation army and you should know how cheap they are. In the name of Jesus, can you please help me? Perhaps with my rent and food? I know I am asking a lot and you do not know me but I am not being dishonest. I pray a lot that will find the right job that will provide my family with just our basic needs. I have no support as far as husband or family and I am at the end of my rope. Most days I can not even get out of bed. I am desperate and hitting one wall after another. God knows my situation and I know that someone out there can and will help. Could your organization possibly help us? Please may God touch your heart and that you may help us. This is not as cam I promise you. I can give you any information you want or need. I get a little food stamps and medicaid but I am so in need of financial help too. PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU TO HELP US. Thanks so much and may God bless you. 
060407 Melissa Lester Varney, WV


Help With Electric Bill And Car Repairs. I am a single mother of 3 children and I had a car accident March 20, 07 and because of that it's been very hard to pay the electric bill and get the car repaired. I need 900 dollars to pay my electric bill and any donations you can to get my car going again. 339 will fix my car. my son has ADHD and has regular doctor visits and my daughter is disabled also has appointments regularly and help would be greatly appreciated .
052807 Mary Holden W Mason, MI
Windows,carpet or tile, insulation, toilet Need help fixing older mobile home. No winterize program will help because home is in a park. Please, anything will help. Winter bills were too much.
051207 Becky Welschmeyer Bakersfield, CA
Dental Grandmother taking care of 87 year old dad, and helping raise 19 month old granddaughter. I have always worked but had to stop to care for father and granddaughter. I can not get a job because my teeth have all deteriorated. I have new teeth already made but need $900.00 to have what teeth I still have removed. Till then I can not have new teeth. I never thought I would have to ask strangers for anything like this but have know other place to turn. I go to Buttonwillow Dental if you need verification. Any help would be appreciated. Some where down the line I hope I will be able to someone who needs it. Thank You
042807 Carla Anderson Hatchechubbee, AL
334 667-7291


Help with doctors and treatments, financial assistance I have bad heart, asthma, diabetes, i am on 21 medications. I lost my job after 11 years and have handicap son. I can't even pay my doctor no more so he wont see me, trying to get SSI, but have to be turned down three times first, cant pay bills for trying to pay for medications and doctors, and now loosing everything pleases help
040607 Jackie Derrick Warren, MI 


Help with food I am needing help to get food in my home for my children 4,3,1. I don't care about me so much but my children I do .I would appreciate any help. I am on a waiting period to get food stamps but in the mean time is what I am worried about. Thank you to who ever helps me in my time of need.
040507 Dulce Barrera Forthworth, TX


Financial Assistance I need to pay my bills. I'm behind all my bills. I have 3 kids a new born, a 1yr old and a 6 yr old and I'm single mom. I barely started working 1 week ago and I don't even have money 4 diapers. I'm behind in rent and i don't know what to do. I'm so desperate because my kids depend on me and I'm falling down big time so if u please can help me give a call as soon as possible, God bless you!!!!!!!
040307 Iseula Taufetee Hayward, CA 
Financial Assistance Need help with our rent, groceries, bills, just lost my job
040307 Gabriel Busby Rainsville, AL 
Help to have knee surgery I am listing this for my son. he has no insurance and is not able to work at this time due to problems with his knee. He managed to see a doctor and the doc requested an MRI to be done at the hospital. Doc believes surgery will be required but my son has no insurance and no finances available.
040107 Rebecca Brown Saint George SC 


Building supplies and repairs to home I am in desperate need of some help with Our home! My husband is on SSI and I am being put on SSI! Our home is falling down before our eyes! We have a 2 year old little girl that cant live with us anymore cause it is not safe for her but we can not afford to move anywhere else right now! We need some building supplies and someone to help us get it put up and what not! We need a new roof cause the one on here is tin and is leaking very badly and the walls in some of the rooms need to be replaced! The plumbing needs to be fixed we only have hot water in the bathroom and it is run through a water hose we also only have one bathroom to use and it is downstairs! The ceilings in the kitchen and the bathroom and the upstairs needs to be replaced! We need new windows and some doors put in! We don't like to ask for charity but we really need help we cant do this alone especially since we have our 2 year old little girl away from us and we have one on the way! Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Nate and Becca
033107 Jesse Baines Knoxville TN 
Help with Rent My wife and I are 5 months behind on rent. My wife is on SSD for a backwards heart. And I lost my right leg and left foot due to a infection in Nov, 2006. We are waiting on my SSD, but that could take a year or more, with the way the system is back up. I am looking for a low interest Loan of around $20,000. With payback over 7 to 10 years. My SSD will be about $1,300 per month, and my wife SSD is now over $1,050 per month. Any help with be blessed. Thank you for Looking at my Ad. Contact me for any other information.
033007 Frank Bartholic Phoenix AZ 
Clothing and Shoes I work at Value Options Behavioral Health Inc. here in Phoenix. We work with the mentally ill here and there are a lot of them who need Cloths and Shoes as well as Back Packs. We are looking for any Donations that anyone is willing to give. We are also looking for any Hygiene that we can get for those in need.
032207 John Shields Lancaster PA 


Financial Assistance My wife and I are both Disabled and our situation is one of  mortgage payments and almost lost our home in order to save it we had to pay 300.00 extra to the mortgage company each month to catch up. We must pay this until July of 07 now because of this we are past due in all of our other utilities. Electric Bill is $700, our Gas and other bills are behind as well. I recently obtained a part time Job, in spite of my disability, I was in an auto Accident and crushed all of the major bones on my right side and suffer constantly with severe pain, I am not sure how long I will be able to work because I just hurt too much. anyway Please if anyone can help me, I know god will bless them too. I have never had to ask for help before but God knows I have tried every avenue I know of. I have an Electric wheel chair that I can sell if anyone needs one. I am desperately in need of help to get these bills caught up. So please if anyone can help please help, I just don't know what else to do.
032207 Elizabeth Jacob Los Angeles CA 
Financial help, child care and employment Financial help, child care and immediate employment
032107 Kristen Menard Lancaster, PA 
Financial Assistance My family and I are in the need of some help. I was in a car accident in 2005 and have not been able to work since that time. I just recently had neck surgery in January 2007 and my husband has just lost his job, the only income that I have is a small check from workers comp that is not enough to pay rent and our bills. We are about to get evicted and lose everything that we worked so hard for. We have a 2 year old child and we do not know what else to do. I have contacted welfare, family and other organizations and we keep getting turned down. We are at a loss at this time in our life, and we have never asked for help from anyone before now. If there is anyone out there that can help a little so that we are able to eat, and have a roof over our head it would be a blessing and a miracle. Thank you
032007 Chantell Willard Hopkins SC 


Financial Assistance Electric Bill. I m a single mom 2 young children and my electricity will be cut off if I can not get help paying the bill. I owe jan: $238 which is due no later then 3-27-07and feb: $192 and Feb. I became unemployed on 2-5-07 and am waiting on my unemployment to kick in with no luck on finding a new job. Wateree and Salvation are out of funds.
031207 Allison Fenix Charlottsville, VA
Vehicle repair work I need someone honest to install an alternator in my car. I can buy the alternator but cannot afford the mechanics prices.
031007 Joseph Moore Sacramento, CA 
Financial Rent assistance Rent payment for 6 months
030507 Kim Teele Sacramento, CA
916-265-1174 or 916-617-9383
Need work to pay rent I am the mother of 4 children the ages of 12, 11, 4, & 3 yrs old. We are very short on rent right now and that is do today. My husband has just started his own business as a handyman, and had a few jobs lined up to make rent but they all fell through or have been put off for a couple weeks by the client. We have no family here or near here, or any that can help us. We are looking for work. Like I said my husband is a handyman and is a very good one too. Also he is reasonable on his quotes and always works it out with those on fixed incomes. He can do All home repair work Drywall patch/repair texturing and painting Dry rot removal and replacement Door and window repair and replacement Bathroom repair and remodel Kitchen repair and remodel Fence and deck refinishing and repair Pressure washing Outside house painting He has been working in the construction field for 7 yrs He also was a computer tech for 12 yrs . As for me, well, I can clean homes, & paint inside homes, take care of kids, take care of animals, run errands, do ranch work, (I grew up riding horses), & do yard work. PLEASE, HELP US. We need to make $900
022607 Libby Clevinger Peoria, AZ 
Low income housing Single women, move to Phoenix AZ 4 years ago after my divorce, I clean houses for a living, but being by myself and not making much money, I can't afford a place of my own. I have been renting rooms from people. I have two small doggies and would like a yard for them to play. They are older excellent dogs that i have had since they were babies...more work and affordable housing I need in a good area close to work in Peoria AZ.
022307 Daphne Taylor Amarillo TX 
Apartment Assistance, Help for my Bills I am a Foster child who is Aging out of care March 22, of this month. I have no family or anyone who can assist me in Rental Assistance. I don't know what to do. I am scared and I need an Apartment.
021507 Mousa Nesheiwat Hyde Park, NY


Financial Assistance Hello, I am behind 6 months in my mortgage because I lost my job and I am having trouble finding another one. If anyone could please help me with a donation please help me. I am in need of $25000.00 to get caught up. I have seven children and can not afford to lose my home. Please help.
021507 and 021807 Esther Haskell Coos Bay, OR 


Mobile Home or repair of existing one My husband is bedridden and is slowly dying from starvation due to pancreatic disease. He is terribly depressed not only because of his fate but also because of our small income (I'm disabled as well with diabetic neuropathy in the legs feet and hands and cannot work so we live on his meager Social security of less than $650 a month). It totally impossible to do any repairs to our mobile home since it is falling apart around around us and we are unable to fix it ourselves. We need help fixing up our home or even a donation of a used mobile. There are 21 leaks in the bedroom (Someone from New York did send us 2 15x23' tarps and it has slowed down the leaks and a nice young man put them up for us God bless him), but the floor is coming thru, the pipes are breaking, no water pressure in the kitchen, no cold water in the kitchen, no hot water in our bathroom sink, no cold water in the bathtub, cooking on a one burner hotplate and a small microwave (which is rusted and old), oven is broken, original stove is broken and almost caused a fire, along with many other things going on with our life. We are in dire need of help. We even had to do a chapter 13 bankruptcy (Another $175 a month along with $125 a month for heat just to keep the stick built room we stay in to keep my husband warm. He's 50 yrs old 5'8" and weights 112lb) or we would have totally lost the small piece of property the mobile is sitting on. We are very proud people and have never begged for help before but we have no other choice. I don't want to see my husband die in the back of our van. (1965 Biltmore 10x50' mobile with a 10x 20' stick built room we have had to move into because of the leaks in the bedroom) What we need is someone to volunteer either time or parts or donate an older sturdy mobile or even build a small stick built home and yes right now I'll go as far as saying monetary contributions to help us get the things we need. We can't pay for anything but I may be able to lend a hand with the work as long as it is not on the roof. Husband just came home from a 2 day stint at the hospital. He has to go into infusion at least once a week to keep him from starving to death. He can hardly eat since his pancreas and common bile duct is destroyed. We've even gone so far as talking suicide but we know it's a sin or we would have been gone a long time ago. If I could even find a job at home I would take it in a minute if it was legal. I don't want to mooch but this is our last hope. Please is there someone that can help????? Please? We pray someone will please see it in their heart (s) to help us. Thank you and God bless you whether you can help or not. 
021307 Lisa Smith Hamilton, OH 
Money or Computer I've been unable to work for 3 years now due to fibro9myalgia and a herniated disc. My dad has always pitched in but he is critically ill now. I only have about 8 months total to get my disability to go through. I just hate to give up now (and besides the fact I still cant work) I might end up homeless. The last 36 years have been miserable and we were almost evicted had 2 cars repossessed and lots of other things that were awful so if you could even just send one dollar it would help me thanks
020707 Samuel Butler Reidsville NC 


Housing I am a single dad with a hearing impaired teen. The deaf school in NC is not working for him, so I am moving to Indianapolis Indiana so my son can go to the deaf school there, I am on SSI and really need help to get a place with deposits and 1st months rent as it will take my whole check to relocate. I need a 2 bedroom mobile home or house that will accept our dog (Border collie). I can only afford $300 to $425 a month
020507 Calonda Scott Hawthorne CA 


A place to rent A place to live for me and my five year old daughter. I just applied for an apartment and found out that I have an eviction on my record (well actually 3 evictions for the same residence, which is impossible, but nevertheless it is on my record) and no one will even consider renting to me. One of the evictions say that it was dismissed, the other one says it was paid, the other one doesn't really say anything. I am employed and am trying to get back on my feet after an illness. I need an apartment ASAP. If anyone can help, please let me know. I will be willing to pay extra for a security deposit (an extra month of rent, two months), I just need a place. thanks
013007 Shelley Mills Dayton, Ohio 
Financial Assistance I am 25 years old I am a single mother of two children ages 2 and 4. I am unemployed due to temporary lay off period of Jan 1-Feb 28. I was expecting to be able to get unemployment compensation but have been denied. As is was explained to me from Oct '05-Sep '06 you must average 200 per week. I was working two part time jobs during that period which together barely averages out to that amount. As I have never dealt with unemployment benefits before I now find myself without a means to pay upcoming rent due Feb 1st. I have applied for food stamps and medical which are pending and have gotten placed on a pay scale of zero for my electricity and heating bills until I return to work march 1st 2007. No agency will help me with this problem until I receive an eviction notice. I have never been late or had any rent issues under my current landlord. I've been here for over a year and was hoping to keep this landlord on good standings so he can be a great reference towards obtaining housing in the future. Can you help me?
012307 Michelle Christy Sacramento CA 
Financial Assistance I am a newly single mother of 4 children ages 3-13. We recently relocated due to domestic violence. We are basically homeless , and while I do have a car....soon a payment will be due. I just need affordable housing. I would like to go back to college or trade school to aid in seeking financial stability. It is so difficult to find a house when you haven't found work yet. It is just as difficult to find a job with no child care .....does anyone have any ideas or suggestions ...please help.
012307 Roseann C. Paolini Yulan NY 


Financial Assistance Additional Information My husband and I along with our daughter, lost our home a while back and everything we owned. My husbands health has been very touch and go for years almost lost his leg twice. We are in deep financial distress. I work 2-3 three jobs and my husband works even when the surgeon tells him not to. We never give up , but we are in constant threat of utilities shut off , cars breaking down and no matter how hard we try is to no avail. We are currently 12,000.00 dollars in back rent and are going to be evicted. All we need is a jump start . I am always helping someone in need and I am embarrassed to say I am the one in need now and have been just did not want to ask I pray to God someone reads this and is able to HELP.. GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
011507 Sherrell Carn York, PA
Any baby items I am in need of any baby item. I am a teenage mom. I live in a low income household. Please, if there is anyone that can donate anything I would gladly appreciate it.
010807 Jason Stafford Brookville, OH
Lift Chair My friend Jason has just been diagnosed with ALS. He is need of a lift chair. He is a pretty big guy. 6ft 5inches 290 lbs.
010507 Brenda Jakes Barstow, CA 
760 253 3051
Car and storage Additional Information My name is Brenda. I am a single mother with two daughters. It is really hard to get around. And I really need help. The only transportation that I have is the bus. And it takes the bus hour and a half to get some where. If I have a doctor appt. Or take my daughters to school. I have to call my doctor to let her know that I will be late for my appointment. And I still trying to move me and my daughter personal items to our new place, but there is not enough room. Because the house that we live in is small. And I need of a storage shed.
010407 Barbara Juarez Modesto, CA
Relocating help Additional Information I am praying for the help in relocating to be back with my daughters. If you would like to be a part of putting my family back together it would be the miracle of dreams for us!!!
010307 Yolanda Mitchell Severn, MD


Special school tuition assistance I am a single mother of 2 very energetic boys. My 7 year old is autistic, ADHD, OCD, anxiety and sensory integration disorder. He would greatly benefit from going to a special school called the Norbel School in Elkridge, Maryland. This school will provide him with the education and skills needed to achieve his highest potentional. This program will address Jordans unique needs and learning styles and help him to focus on his abilities and not his disabilities, this includes preparing him for college. Because it is a private school for the learning disabled grades 1-12, there is very little state or federal funding available to assist with the $19, 275 tuition. I need help in order to help my child be the best he can be and give him the best opportunity. I am a public school elementary teacher and my salary alone will not be enough to cover this expense. Additionally, my 4 year old son is ADHD and mildly developmentally delayed but he suffers from a seizure disorder. He is also undergoing his 4th surgery in Jan. 2007 at John Hopkins hospital. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
122806 Stephanie Ray Birmingham Alabama
Help with paying my bills Additional Information I am a 27 year old single mom of 2 wonderful kids. I need some help paying my bills so we do not loose our house we are renting. I am trying to get child support but he is refusing to pay. I NEED HELP......
122106 Anna Sanchez Fort Worth,  TX. 
Paying Utilities Help paying my light bill please.
122006 Rebecca Vaughn Phoenix, AZ 
Christmas for my kids Additional Information I need help with Christmas gifts for my kids
121906 Marizza Diaz Indian Harbour Beach, FL
Laptop I am involved in Prison ministry and I would love a laptop. In the room that I teach there are no outlets and it is hard carrying the bible, cd's, dvd's and other materials that I use to minister. Not to mention the batteries. I volunteer and am not supported I am self supported. This laptop would help me in many ways. I could also use it when ever God gives me a word to preach. I would have the laptop available at all times to preach and teach the word of God in season and out of season. Could you please donate to me and this ministry. Help me to help society. A true and faithful servant, Marizza Diaz
121806 Sara Valentin Lancaster, PA 
Food and gifts All I want is help with food and Christmas for my kids
121806 Danielle Babin Buckeye AZ 
623 242-7371


Christmas and Financial Assistance I am a 29 year old woman with 5 children. I lost my job 2 weeks ago and since the holidays are so close, it's nearly impossible to find a job. My boyfriend lost his job 2 months ago and has not been able to find work due to the slow in the economy. He does construction. Our oldest is a foster child that is a ward of the state. He is 16 and his name is Trevor. We do not receive any assistance from the the state for his placement. Dominique is 14 and a great basketball player. Keon is 12, he's a wiz kid. Loves video games and music. Kearra 10, loves anything Betty Boop or girly. Ryan is 5, he needs clothes badly. Also, we are 2 months behind on our rent and are in danger of being evicted. I don't know if anyone can help but thank you for your time. God Bless.
121706 Sheryl Schroeder Carrollton TX
469 951-2542


Christmas presents and financial assistance Hi I am 39 yrs old, deaf mom and a single.. I do have current job but I live on paycheck to paycheck, have been trying to pay the Electric bill, I have been getting billed about 440.00 a month for electricity for past 4 months and I am getting so frustrated and so so stressed out. I have thought of giving up my life but my KIDS needs me... Sigh.. I have 16 yrs old son who had to have an emergency tonsils removed on Dec 7th. He been so sweet and very understanding that I have not been able to buy much foods or clothes for him since I had to pay bills first and my phone got disconnected. I don't have enough money to get Christmas presents for kids age 16 and 19. I feel so bad that they will not be able to get any from me.. Thanks so much for listening to me
121606 Priscilla Torres Pasadena TX  

713 378-0493


Financial Assistance and Christmas I'm disabled, Lupus RA, mother of 4 children ages 15, 12, 10, 7. This year has been very hard due to son sickness of staph infection and being hospitalized. Told that if he had not been taken in that day, his leg would of been amputated or worse. He was out of school from March to May this year. I had to move out of my apt due to condition of apt which effected children's health allergies and asthma. Manager would not listen when I'd request repairs. Son was sick due to sewer back ups, mold and mildew. I know prayer does work, my son was healed, but won't be able to walk right and may need another surgery, no major bone loss. SSI is not enough. Vehicle needs insurance and has expired stickers. Need vehicle for doctors visits 4 times a month. I pray for help this Christmas, any type of assistance. Thanks you and God Bless!
121606 Glenda Currence Columbia SC
803 798-6639
A place to live I am a married mother of three small children (4,2, and 1). We have to be out of our apartment by the end of January. I am so tired of moving. I want my children to have a stable life. I want my kids to be stable with being in school. If there is someone that is soo generous and that will give us a house, it will surely be a wonderful blessing. Getting a house with bad credit will be helpful also. We are trying so hard. While being at home, I have been working on my credit. Can somebody please help us out, even if you help with donations towards a down payment. I just want my children to be able to say, I was raised up in a home with a backyard to play in. Thank You so much.
121506 La'Tonia Carrier Houston, TX 
713 524-8826


Size 17 shoes I am looking for someone that knows where I can get some shoes for a child age 13 yrs (boy). His mother can pay some but not much. He wears a size 17 shoe. Any shoes they have been able to find are funny looking and being a teenager I think you can understand. Thank You Very Kindly In Advance.
121506 Sarah Messick Martinsburg WV 
304 262-3866
Christmas and Financial Assistance I am the mother of 2 boys that are 7 and 2. My husband is not working due to the fact we cannot afford a babysitter. I am working 2 jobs and I go to school full time to be able to become a Medical Assistant. I have 4 months of school left and I barely am getting any sleep. I do not eat because we cannot afford to really buy any food. I try to make sure my kids have before me and my husband. We are probably going to be kicked out of our house after the holidays and I am not sure what to do. We have a electric bill of 280 due on the 18th of December and I am afraid they are going to turn it off. We have a water bill and we cannot pay that either. I just started working my jobs so I am not going to get a paycheck until after Christmas. I am very depressed because of all of this and I do not know what to do. My life seems to be falling apart and there is nothing I can do about it. I do not know what to tell my 7 year old when he asks me if Santa is coming this year. I know Christmas is not about the gifts only but I would like to be able to have something for my boys. They make everyday worth living when I see their smiles and I do not want to let them down. Please help....
121306 Deborah Thompson Garland TX 
972 496-6293


Financial Assistance I lost my job in November and have not been able to find another one. I can't pay my rent, car payment, utilities, credit card payments, insurance, etc. I have used all of my savings and I feel so horrible and sick. My daughters (17 and 19) are so kind but they don't understand. Christmas is so close and I have nothing but my love to provide. I know I will lose my home that we just moved into. I can not provide our medication that we need each month. I am divorced from their father and he does not care and does not support them like he should. Recently, when we moved the moving company charged us $1700 for 4 mile move and damaged our furniture - we have no couch, they destroyed our fine crystal stemware, we can not find our silverware, canisters, pots and pans, canned goods, and one of the movers tried to assault my daughter. They have not paid a claim. My daughter is so depressed on top of wondering whether or not she will have a home to come to. Then, the landlord did not give us all of our deposit back and lied about us not giving him the key and garage door opener back which we did return. They just wanted money. We should have received $700.00 back and only received $400.00. We just get by on cereal and milk and crackers and things people give us for our meals. It is horrible. I have never felt so bad before. I have creditors calling me every day asking me about the bills and I don't know when I will have a full time job again. I apply every day - 6 or 7 times or more but nothing has come up yet. My daughter has college applications to turn in but we don't have the funds for them. My oldest daughter has bills from her first semester of college and I can't pay them. I just feel hopeless and I say my prayers and I feel like they go unanswered and unheard.
121306 Aleida Rojas Gainesville,  FL 
352 256-8147


Food, clothes, toys transportation
My youngest child has been sick with pneumonia. So i haven't been able to work for two weeks. I have a total of four kids. I didn't have time @ work , so I can get paid for all those sick days I took from work. Well lately it seem hard for me. I live from pay check to pay check. You know just getting by. I never asked anyone for anything like this, but I would love to see my children have a good Christmas. That would be joyful in its self for me. I am very desperate. Hope this Christmas wish can come true, but if it doesn't, I still have to thank God that we are still together, and can wake up to see another day.
121306 Barbara Clark Fuquay Varina, NC 
919 552-6377
Financial Assistance I am a single parent of 3 sons, and due to some unexpected bills & repairs and rash decision am in danger of my home being foreclosed. Need 1800 by 12/15/06 or Vanderbuilt mortgage will set date for foreclosure.
121306 Lynda Story Walker, LA 
225 243-6745
Winter Clothes and toys My child needs winter clothes and toys for Christmas
121206 Lawler Kathleen Palestine TX 
903 729-7103
Christmas Presents Grandson age 6 and granddaughter age 8 My daughter isn't working . She does not know I am doing this. Thank you
121206 Bridgette Davis Los Angeles California 
323 299-0203
Christmas Presents I'm asking for assistance to give my two children a Christmas. I've been sick with breast and cervical cancer; lupus; parkinson's disease; seizure disorder. I'm unemployed due to my medical problems I'm receiving assistance as of yet. Whatever you can be done for my children would be greatly appreciated.
121106 Steven Kossow Jr. Modesto, CA 
209 554-1504
Financial Assistance My fiance and I need to pay our electric bill of $284 by 12/15 or it will be shut off. My fiance lost her job awhile back and I did every thing that I could to pay rent and bills. She just recently got a new job, but we are still struggling to catch up on our bills. The outreach program groups where we live wont help us because we don't have any children. We wont be able to celebrate Christmas this year because of this, but that is ok, Christmas is not about gifts and stuff like that, its about friends and family. If anyone can help us in anyway to catch up on our bills it would be greatly appreciated.
121106 Nicole Dunn Cape Coral, FL 
239 440-2459
xmas for needy 3yr old girl I am a recently divorced single mother of a beautiful 3 year old little girl. My fiance just passed away and i lost my job. I am in desperate need of presents for my little girl, i don't know what to tell her. i have absolutely no money, my car will be repossessed shortly we r staying with family who don't have much either and are sad they are unable to help. Please if you can find it in your heart to help my baby.
121106 Sonja Smith Fowlerville, MI 
517 672-6303
Christmas presents Need Christmas presents.
120906 Antonia Saugerties NY 
845 245 5462
Christmas presents and Financial Assistance I am a single Mom of 2 daughters ages 6 and 3 my boyfriend left me 3 months ago with a car that the transmission is failing i cant drive my car it is unsafe for my daughters to be in I don't have a job i am praying for one that i applied for still no luck i only receive food stamps and live in a house with electric heaters only landlord wont fix heater till i come up with rent money and I am three months behind at 500.00 a month I have no way to pay my house hold bills. But what hurts more is I will not be able to give my 2 beautiful girls a Christmas they will be devastated to find out that Santa wont be at our house for Christmas this year my heart is broken for them. Can anyone help me give them a Christmas. Thank you and God bless you all.
120906 Mary T  Phoenix AZ 
602 828-3526
Financial Assistance I am a single woman with a 1 year old puppy in desperate need of money. I was laid off from my job without ANY severance pay. My bills keep piling up and I am late on my rent for the month. I need $1,200.00 including late fees for my rent, money for my utilities, food and phone. In total, I need $1,800.00 to pay for the listed items. I have never been and never thought I would be in this situation, now I find myself losing sleep and so stressed out because I face the fear of eviction and not being able to eat or feed my puppy. Please help! Thank you and may God bless!
120906 Deborah Fritz  Burrton KS 
620 2007136
Christmas Presents and Financial Assistance I have been off work for more than a year due to a chronic illness, however SSI doesn't cover this although the doctors advised me to stop working. I have been to the Mayo Clinic and am starting to get better after 6 years. However, with the loss of work, medical bills we have lost our home, sold most of what is of value, gone through bankruptcy. I don't know how we will afford Christmas this year, if anyone can help we would appreciate it. We have 3 children, 16, 15 & 12. Thank you
120406 Chris Rutan Addison MI 
517 403-0176
Christmas Presents I need help getting my kids Christmas gifts. they haven't really ever had a Christmas before. I have 9 kids and 3 grandchildren living with me. I'm a single parent trying to do the best i can. If you could help i would be happy and so would my kids.
120406 LISA BOSTICK Wurtland KY 
606 494-2289
Christmas Presents I am requesting help for my 3 boys for Christmas this year. I am a 40 yr old mother with ms and times are rough at the moment. I have to make a choice between keeping electricity or buying for my children for Christmas. My boys are wonderful boys who help take care of me and should not be punished because I cant provide them a decent holiday. Any assistance I could get would be greatly appreciated and never forgotten. Thank you
120306 and 120706 Carolyn Marsh Pemberton NJ 
609 894 4305
Christmas Presents I am the grandmother of 3 and i am out of work right now due to knee surgery and the money from disability pays my bills and that is it so there is no money left for presents for them any help would be greatly appreciated they are lisa 7 emmy 4 jason 2 thank you and have a merry Christmas and may god bless you.
113006 Tracy Robichaud Trussville AL 
205 951-3944
Financial Assistance My husband has had hernia surgery he can't work for at least a month maybe two he had the surgery November 14..and it busted back open on November 19 he was in the hospital until Friday 24th ..My teenage daughter is working helping out as much as she can. And I don't work because my mom lives with us she has had 3 heart attaches and she can't get around so good ..but we really need help paying our power bill ...we have other bills to but this is the most important one...We hate to even ask but we are in need right now it is a hard time with the bills and Christmas. and we have 2 teen age daughters. Our daughters know it is going to be a rough Christmas this year and they are prepared for it...But they don't deserve this...My husband has a full time job so we just need the help until he gets back to work.
120206 Lacy Sayers Omaha, NE 
402 453-4026
Financial assistance and Christmas I am a mother of two small children and need assistance catching up on bills with having to buy diapers and formula. I am really tapped out I don't think I will be able to afford Christmas presents either. My children are 2 an 5 months. If any one can help please respond. Thank you and God bless.
112806 Karla Klover Fairborn, OH 
937 318-2826
Help with Christmas I'm a 50 yr. old mother of 5 with all of them grown except for my 9 yr old son. I was divorced in May after 28 yrs. Just relocated here after a long and dirty custody fight. I receive SSI and I just can't do Christmas for my son alone this yr. If you can help... God bless everyone and have a Merry Christmas
112606 Dalene Collins Elliottsburg, PA
717 582-2390
Christmas Presents Additional Information I need help getting my children gifts for Christmas. If anyone can help please let me know. Thank you.
112506 Jessica Dilbert New York
Christmas Presents Hi I am a mom of 5 kids and i would like some help to give my kids a Christmas this year because for the last 6 years we could not give them a Christmas and birthdays because every year a round this time we have to find a new place to live I know that I cant ask for a house for Christmas but I will ask for some one to help me give my kids a nice Christmas. Because I went to get help from the government for food and things and they say that my husband makes too much money but what is $500 a week for 7 people. I was going to take my kids to the Cayman Islands for Christmas too so my family and get our passports done when we go there but I can't even do that. The kids names are 14 year old darlene wears size 13,14 in womens. 11 year old boy name kenroy wear size 16. 10 year old girl name anyssa wear size 14,16. & 9 year old girl name april wear size 12. 7 year old girl name cecilia wear size 8,10
112406 Christine Cordova Bakersfield, CA
Christmas Presents I need help with giving my three children a Christmas this year. My husband just lost his job and I am in school on externship as a medical assistant for a month without pay. I have a 9 yr old girl, 6 and 4 yr old boys. During my month on extern I cannot miss a day or it chances me not being hired on after extern so until now and the 20 of December I am not able to make it down to apply for federal assistance. My car recently broke down so we have no transportation and I take the bus. Things have just gotten at a bad point this time of year, so i am asking for any kind of help at all giving my three children a Christmas. Thank You.
112306 Teresita Echazabal Miami, FL Financial Assistance I was involved in a car accident on 082906 and fractured my ankle when it was logged in between the petals. After the accident I was laid off of work. I recently started at Publix. I'm trying to get everything going back in order but I need help. I have a four year old daughter and at times I barely eat because of the stress. I am about to get my lights turned off and the bill is 425.00. Also I am behind in rent about 1000.00. I can work off my rent slowly but I can pay my electricity. Please help me. I don't know what to do?
112106 Tracy Gregory Thomasville Nc 336-456-8492
Christmas Presents My husband has not been working much for the past few months. We have gotten behind in bills and need help to get our daughters Christmas. Last year we helped 3 children and now we are pleading with help for our own. Christmas Presents - My 7 year old loves Bratz dolls, clothes size 8 My 10 year old loves cd's ( country ) she loves to sow, she also wears a size 8 My daughter that is 14 loves scrapbooking, photography and she wears a 5 in ladies , shoe size 8. Anything would help - Thanks
111906 Whitney Strauss Kennedale, TX Christmas Presents I am 19 currently working but don’t make enough to make a Christmas for my daughter Destinee who's 19 months old. I am a single mother and have tried to get help from her father but he can't help me. I can't even buy diapers. I am losing my home soon and will not have anywhere to go. I am trying to work still but it's hard when I can't even afford a babysitter. I'm in desperate need of some Christmas stuff for my daughter. That’s the only thing I'm worried about, something she can open and have a smile on her face I will be satisfied with. This will be her first Christmas she will actually really remember because last year she was to little. I really just want her first real Christmas to be the best and thing will help. Thanks
111906 Tonia Parks Salisbury, NC
Financial Assistance I'm in desperate need of help. I've been having suicidal thoughts because I can't afford Christmas for my boys. I've asked several organizations for help and have not received any. I'm 38 yrs old and my health is bad. I have no income coming in and my bills are piling up. All I need to get by with is 1800.00 to pay my rent, phone, cable and buy my boys a coat, shoes and clothes for Christmas and pay my tithes. If anybody can help us we will be very grateful. Thank you for your time. We need help before the 23rd of this month if it's possible.
111706 Nicola Chapman Houston, TX 713-272-9572
Christmas presents I am a single mother of 3(ages 7, 3, and 9 months) Houston, Texas.  I was a stay at home mother until the father of my children left, now no where to be found!  Now I am working a part time job, but it's not enough.  I can barely pay the bills, much less buy anything else.  My mom did help me get JC(7) his school supplies, but now with Christmas coming up I am really worried about my kids not being able to really have a Christmas. I mean I still have my little fake tree and ornaments, but no presents. I really just need help with getting Christmas presents for my kids.  Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated.
111306 Dana McBride  Boise, Idaho
Financial Assistance Please help my kids and I. About a year ago we moved to Boise from Virginia for husbands career move. 6 months later, his branch closed. I was a stay at home mom with 3 kids ages: 4,6 and 10. Shortly after my husband went into depression has now left us financially a wreck. We are now separated and he has not been able to contribute. I recently found a full time job and have been trying to catch up. I've asked for help from the state for food childcare. My landlord is now evicting me and my kids for back rent. I have used all of my resources and just need a little help to keep us off the street. Please help, when things get better for us, I will pay it forward to someone else in need. My kids don't deserve this, especially around the holidays. We don't have any family out here and I need an Angel to see us through this. Thank you.
111306 Marci Cheektowaga, NY 
Christmas Presents I have two children, 1 boy who is 7yrs old and a little girl who is 4yrs old. We are a low income family and don't have much money to spend on the kids come Christmas due to the bills needed to get paid. My son loves wrestling and is very picky about anything else. My daughter likes anything girly. Neither one of them are very picky and would just like some fun and nice things for Christmas. If clothes is something, boys size 8-10 and girls size 4-5. This will mean so much to them if they had a good Christmas, and me and my husband would be very grateful for this. Thanks.
111106 Mrs. Lemos Colton, CA 909-872-0503 
Financial Assistance My family is having a financial hardship this year. My husband and I have 5 children ranging in ages 7,8,13,14,19. My husband is in remission from Cancer of the abdomen, chest and lungs. Due to his medical problem, this is preventing his success in finding a permanent job. Social Security denied him benefits and our state benefits are limited. Unfortunately we are behind 3 months in our rent which is $650 a month. We are quickly looking at an eviction if we don't come up with this late rent by the middle of December. Our utility bills are also late and I don't have the heart to tell my kids about all of what's going on. I am praying that someone will help us soon and hopefully I won't have to tell my children that I can't afford Christmas this year. I know it will break their hearts. I have tried all resources and haven't been blessed yet. If there is anyone that can help me I would be so grateful. My husband can do handyman work if anyone can consider maybe helping us with exchange of work. Thank you.
110306 Mary Buffalo, NY 716-602-1835
Christmas presents My name is Mary. I need help with Christmas. I have two children and little income. My daughter Crystal is in to Brats and Barbies. My son James is in to YuGeO and Cars.Any help for them would be wonderful. 
103006 Nicquel Vailes Freeport, NY 516-223-6231
Housing assistance/affordable housing, before and after school program I am in need of housing assistance. I have a six year old son, I am working have a college degree but can't find affordable housing. My son has severe uncontrollable urinal movements, he needs his own room. Also need a free or affordable and secure before and after school program for him while I'm at work.
103006 Billie Gault  Greensburg, Indiana 812-591-3475
Christmas presents I have a set of twins, 1 boy and 1 girl that will be 12 in December. I lost my job in May and haven't been able to find work. My husband gets laid off every year in November and doesn't go back to work till April of the next year. Last year my kids got 3 gifts for Christmas from the dollar store. I couldn't stand the look in their faces when they got up Christmas morning to 3 small cheap gifts, plus no Christmas dinner. This year they won't be getting anything. With me not working and my husband getting laid off and tons of bills to pay. My husband had hip surgery this year in Feb. Please help getting them something for Christmas. 
102806 Steve Wood, Retired USAF Florida  
Cell # 321-684-0772
Financial Assistance and trip to Disneyworld I am a Disabled / Retired U S Air Force Sergeant that is powered wheelchair bound. Currently making payments on wheelchair van....Need help in paying off van and needs alot of repairs. Van is required for Doctors Appts, Shopping, Physical Therapy , Volunteer Work at Patrick AFB and sharing time with my grandchildren....I promised I would take the grandchildren to Disney World when Grandpa's van was running good and he had the money for the park. Please find in your heart to help me take care of these needs in order for my family and myself can increase the quality of life for me. I have served my country proudly from Vietnam to the Gulf War. I never have asked for any outside help in my life and not feeling good about this request however I have run out of all options due to poor credit.
102506 Elizabeth J Cruz Clayton, NC 919 763 9327
Christmas presents I need help with Christmas for my three children and help with needs for my little baby boy that is due in January. Ii am a single mother please help us.
102406 Stephanie Lockmiller York, PA
Christmas Presents I am in need of Christmas presents for my five boys. My husband and I hit some serious financial difficulties and at this moment are unable to provide Christmas for them. Their ages are 9, 8, 6, 4, and 6 months. They are into the usual boy stuff. Big cars and trucks. Play tools. Pretty much anything a boy would like. I am not being picky, just would like them to have a nice holiday. Thank you very much.
101706 Tara McCurry Sandy Level, VA 434-927-4100
Baby Items Mother of a seven month year old and I had to leave my husband because he was abusive to me. I had to leave a lot of baby items behind and I'm in need of some baby clothes and a baby crib, a high chair and right now I don't have an income because of moving from place to place.
101706 David Heffner York, SC 803-818-5356 Financial Assistance and Christmas presents I am 40 yrs. old with a wife and six children. I am the sole provider. Our children range in age from 8 - 13. We have 4 boys and 2 girls. Christmas is going to be very difficult this year. There is not going to be enough money to buy Christmas this year. I am also 4 months behind on our rent which is 525.00 per month. If there is anybody who can help it would be greatly appreciated.
101606 Scott Brown Saddlehill Terrace, CA  Financial Assistance I'm married and have three sons. We live in my mom's garage cant afford a house. Would like some help with some money for down payment.
101506 Wendy Cone Fairfield, FL 352-591-2688
Financial assistance or home modification and laptop computer My needs are $1,000.00 to repair two bathrooms and install handicap tub and toilet for 84 year old disabled husband. Also laptop computer for my granddaughter who is in the 6th grade. I live on fixed income and cannot afford these items. Thank you.
092606 Cynthia A. Hush Cornelious Goodman  Plainfield, NJ 732-968-9494
Financial Assistance My need is that someone can offer financial assistance to me and my grandson. I have been raising my grandson since he was born; he is now 11 years old. I have been struggling financially from pay check to pay check. I need help with rent and my car is broken down. I really need another car. I need reliable transportation. My grandson and I have been struggle together and alone. I have been homeless with my grandson up until now and I still cannot manage the high cost of rent in New Jersey. I have applied for low-income housing, however there is a waiting list of people in need. The worst thing that happen to us while being homeless is that my grandson became sick with Type 1 Diabetes/Insulin Dependent. He was hospitalized at least 10 times due to diabetes complications. His diabetes now is no where under control. Please answer this request for financial help.  I faith and I believe that someone will contact us regarding this message.
091806 Fran Blosser Not Given Phone not given
Mental help I hate telling anyone my story because it is embarrassing to let people know your problems and how stupid you are. I am a 43 yr old mother of two (19 and 24) divorced for 4 years after a 22 yr abusive marriage. I suffer from agoaphobia, severe depression , anxiety and panic attacks. I have suffered with these for years and gotten minimal help from medications. I am currently awaiting a hearing for SSI and my attorney says it may take months. I live alone with my boyfriend, it is his apartment and he never stops reminding me of that. I cant work or go outside the apt much at all so I am totally dependant on him. He drinks and does drugs and I can't take it any more because he gets nasty and mean even sometimes throwing me out with me having no where to go. I only have my children but at the time there is nothing they can do to because their financial situation isn't much better. I cant get help any where to get out of here, I cant even get utilities in my name because at first i put them in my name here and they were disconnected because he didn't pay them. Then he had to put them in his name. Now i owe all that money and cannot pay it. I need to be able to get out in my own place and do it on my own. I can once I get my SSI. but in the mean time I'm afraid I will lose my mind living with him. I feel very suicidal most of the time because I am so dependant on him and i know that i can get some better if i can get out on my own. I feel trapped, like I'm in prison...or drowning. If any one knows of any programs that could help or have advice...ANYTHING...please write me, I need help fast. Thank You FB
091006 Criselda Lucero Colton, CA 909-520-3874
Financial Assistance I moved to California from a small town called Amarillo, TX about a year ago. My job required me to transfer and I had to leave everything behind including all friends and family. I recently quit my job due to a very hostile work environment and along with quitting I had to give up my car (it was a company car, my only transportation) My previous employers were very angry with me for quitting on such short notice, so they decided to take money out of my paycheck, and that left me in a very bad situation. I have yet to find a new job, a car, or anyone that is willing to help. I received my final paycheck last week, and like I said before, money was wrongfully taken out of my check, it should have been for 508.77 instead it was only made out for 8.77!(they took 500.00) I have very little money to my name, I received a pay or quit notice from my apartment office, so now my rent is due in 3 days, I have little to no money for food or utilities and I am out of options...I appreciate any generosity in advance and will gladly pay it forward when I get back on my feet. God bless all of you for taking the time to read this, and for any help you are able to provide.
090406 Mario and Shawn Rodriguez El Mirage, AZ 623-972-3217 furniture, paint, carpet, mattresses or part time employment I have a wife who is a homemaker married 15 yrs. 5 kids, one of my twins has autism he is 5. We love him so very much he cannot talk or go to the bathroom yet. He goes to special school. Our income is modest we live day to day sometimes. I work but the bills are overwhelming. I purchased a home with my VA loan but have no way to furnish it, our couch is ripped up it was second hand, and we need some paint for the inside of our home. Our dining table has 4 different chairs . Some of the kids mattresses need to be tossed from accidents I have a bed-wetter and he seems to go from one room to the other I had the same problem kidneys when I was a child. Our carpet our kids spilled everything imaginable on it. Its hard for a man to ask for help well it is for me anyway. I'm willing to work but my schedule is not normal. I work nights 12 hr shifts and the days rotate one week 3 nights the second 4 nights. If there is anyone who can help us at all we would really appreciate it. My wife's name is Shawn she usually answers the phone if u get the answering machine leave message sometimes the bill collectors call daily.
082706 Takitia Birmingham, AL 205-674-7227
Roof Repair My name is Takitia and I live in Birmingham Alabama. I am disabled and a single mother of two. I have a 15 year old son that is also disabled and a 41/2 year old daughter. The roof on my home needs to be replaced ASAP. My daughter's room has been affected the most. When it rains water leaks directly into her closet and the ceiling has started to crumble. Of course my income is limited but I am willing to pay what I can if need be. Thanks In Advance.
081506 Zelda Wells Jackson, MS 601-815-1972
Financial Assistance and school supplies I am a single parent of three children age 17, 14 and 11 , who is about to have my lights cut off and foreclosure on my home please help me get caught up on my bills . Due to high utility bills just fell behind and need a little assistance to get back on top of things . and get my children school supplies.
080406 Sharon Mangus Phoenix, AZ 623-474-2393
Financial Assistance My family has had a lot of  bad luck. Our fifteen year old daughter ran away with a twenty three year old man. My husband ended up in jail for assault trying to get her back. She was gone for nine days with no word and now my family is suffering due to no income. We got a termination notice for non payment of rent on the first  and no money to pay this. Just having money to eat has been slim. My son gets SSI but with all these bills I don't have money for rent. My rent is 950 dollars I don't have one dollar.
072406 Beatrice Saam Lancaster, PA 717-569-5935
95 Volvo Engine I am a disabled person with a chance to go back to school and earn a degree so that I can get back to work. I am on a fixed income and recently had my '95 Volvo die on the highway. The mechanic told me I need an engine, cost estimated at $3000. Needless to say that's out of my reach and so is another car. If there's someone out there that has an engine for very little cost, please contact me. May God bless.
072206 Dana Coletrain Sudak Charleston, SC 843-670-3377
Financial Assistance I recently got married and a week after I had to place my husband in the hospital. He had a Psychotic breakdown. He's been in and out since then. I had to leave my job to care for him because he can't work now. I need help because I can't pay all the bills myself. If anyone can find it in their heart to help me, it won't be taken for granted. Please.
072106 Wes Long Camanche, IA 563-210-1228
Financial Assistance Assistance for household expenses. I am 44 years old and am disabled. I do receive a SSDI check from the government,  but my wife's and my medical and prescription bills are eating us alive. My wife is also not able to work since March of 2005 due to an injury on her job. We are in desperate need of some help with our rent, electric, phone and some money to pay for food and gasoline. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
071406 Michelle E. Bowling   Green, KY
Assistance with car payments and/or gas Single mother of 2 teenage boys. The youngest Bipolar, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and ADHD. The eldest ADD and Depression. I need financial assistance due to having to quit my job to care for the children. My kids can't be left alone without violent attacks on each other. I live with my mother who is elderly and can't control either child. The father is not in the picture physically. My youngest son gets SSI which is 300 a month and I get child support which is 140 a month, it is supposed to be 260. plus I get food stamps. I have to take the kids to nearly constant medical appointments and to and from school when in session. and I'm on the verge of losing my car. Please help with car payments which is 228.39 (3 months behind) and possibly help with gas. I have read some of the other requests and I feel terrible about submitting my request but I truly need help. Thanks in advance.
071306 April Perkins Katy, TX
Financial Assistance, Job, and/or Daycare. I need help finding a place to live. I am a single mother with no employment, I am looking but trying to find a job and a daycare are really hard I am going through a divorce and I don't know where or who to turn to. Please someone, anyone help me.
070406 Gary & Mary Jones Live Oak, CA
Clothes for Children My wife and I and our four children feel like we were lied to and used by this Katrina victim who we helped in our home. Helping this Katrina victim has bled us dry. Our daughter is 14 and going into high school, the oldest boy is 13 and going into junior high. The middle boy is 11 and going into sixth grade, the youngest one is 9 and going into fourth grade. Our kids would be very grateful for anything new or used. They are not picky kids and any help that someone is willing to give would be very appreciated. Our four kids even helped the Katrina victim by babysitting, taking the money they'd earn and buying him diapers, wipes, and gas for his vehicle.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the email address or by phone. Whatever help that is given God will pay you back ten times fold. God Bless and Thank you very much from the Jones Kids. Sizes:
Girl 14: pants size 16 to 18 women's shirt size 16 to18 women's panties 10 to 12 women's Bra size 42D socks 10 to 11 shoes 10 to 11.....Boy 13: pants size 32/32 men's shirt size men's boxers 32 men's socks 10 to 11 men's shoes 10 1/2.....Boy 11: pants size 12 boys shirt size 12 to 14 boys boxers 12 to 14 boys socks 8 men's shoes 8 men's.....Boy 9: pants size 8 shirt size 8 to 10 boxers 8 to 10 socks 5 shoes 5.
062006 Tim and Deborah Gordon Walled Lake MI
Installation of wood ramp My husband and I are both handicapped with walking and balance. I inherited a wood ramp. We can not install it. My is is paralyzed on his right side. If you can help, it would be such a dream, because my husband was given my dad's scooter after he died last month. Can you imagine how touch and proud my husband is? Now everyone is worried about the ramp getting installed. I am the veteran if that matters. thank you. If you need more information please call.
061206 Germaine Hollan Houston TX
Financial Assistance I'm a single mother of twins. I left a very controlling man. He is supposed to be helping me pay the babies medical bills but I'm getting no help. He is still controlling everything. He pays child support and carries the medical insurance on the babies, but the hospital bills keep coming in. If i could work a weekend job I would. I don't have the money to pay these bills. Every time I want to the babies get sick and I have to pay the doctor bills. If some one could please help me and the twins they would love you for it. God bless.
061106 Delores Ray Aurora, MO
Financial Assistance and/or advise I am 32 years old and having hip surgery. I am in need of several things. I am going to be off work for 4 to5 months. We will have little to no income and I have three children to tend to so anything that anyone can spare would be really appreciated. I am trying to pay off some of my bills before I have my surgery on the 23rd of June '06. Right now I owe $8,762.97 in medical bills and a loan I took out to fix my car when it broke down. Well I hope there is an angle out there some where I can use. I never thought I would get sick. I wasn't prepared, so please help and send me ideas of what I can do. May God bless you. 
052806 Latonya Lee Ft. Worth, TX
Clothes, playstation and home I need clothes for me and my two kids. My 13 year old about a 12 in young misses and my son 12 he needs a 36 in men's pants and 1XL shirts. I like stretch pants and t-shirts. I'm really not choosey. I am a 16-18 in women's. A playstation for my kids and a nice home if you are able. Thank you. I feel a whole lot better since I know there are people out there who are willing to help.
052706 Susie Clarebrough   Melbourne Victoria AUSTRALIA Info on Prader Willi Syndrom and Diabetes Type 1 I have a daughter aged 5. She has Prader-Willi Syndrome & diabetes Type1. Need advice on management of combined conditions & advice on future considerations. Only known case in Australia.
051406 Vivian Salazar Los Angeles, CA
Financial Assistance, Food, Clothes
I am a single parent with three beautiful children. I have two girls who are eleven years old and a seventeen year old, also a ten month old son. My income is considered as a low income family which is very true. I feel like I am not providing for my children because all of them need clothes and at this time, I can't afford to buy any of them clothes. Right now I just feel useless for my family. I would really appreciate if you can provide me with any kind of assistance, please we are also low on food. If you can find a way to help me and my family God bless you and may all your dreams come true. You will be the Angel god sent us. Thank You, Thank You.
050306 Terry &  Billy Schlager Claremont, VA 757-866-0706
Financial Assistance
We need to have our roof repaired or replaced and the plumbing redone and cannot afford it along with our monthly bills. We are raising our grandson who is 4 years old. If anyone can help, we would be very grateful. We cannot get the house refinanced because of it.
042506 Tamera Lewis Middletown, OH 513-705-1545
Financial Assistance I need help paying my car off. I can't work because I am on oxygen 24 hrs a day and I have thyroid cancer. My liver and spleen are swollen and I have seizures. Please help me. I can't even pay my medical bills or house, etc. Please help me...
040906 Brian Tolbert Milwaukee, WI 


Any help
My mom is all I have left besides my children, and our home, but we may not have the house much longer. I can't work due to my health, When I have gas I go to food pantries and doctors appointments.  I borrow money to pick up the kids three days a week from school.  I can't afford to go shopping to buy good food, which I need for my diabetes.  I can't make my car payment, and I've lost my car insurance due to all of this.  And I can't buy the house or make enough payment to my mom for it to make sense. 4 heart attacks and congestive heart failure. Can't get medicare, making too much money on disability, I have Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Arthritis, Depression, 7 slipped and herniated disks, type II diabetes, and Neuropathy. Facing a defibralator/pacemaker. Please help us in anyway you can.
040606 Robyn Adams Phoenix, AZ 623 225-1770
School Uniforms school uniforms for my son and shoes for him my son wears a size 5 or 6 in pants and they can be tan or navy blue and his shirt sizes are the same size 5 or 6
040406 Jeanette Rivera Tolleson, AZ  
contact number 623-225-2309


Uniforms and Clothes for kids I am a 37 year old women with 2 wonderful daughters. They are why I'm writing to you. They are in need of uniforms and clothing. I am a single mom with a very low income to support all three of us. The girls dad has never done anything for them and never will. My girls have had the same uniforms for the past 2 years. Each have 2 uniform shirts and 2 uniform pants. They have regular clothing that doesn't even fit anymore. It really hurts to see them like this. I've call many centers and tried to get welfare, but all they give me is medical for the girls.  I am grateful for that. Can you please help.
Justine is a size 9 women's in stretch pants and medium in women's shirts.  Jessika is a size 10 women's in stretch pants and large in women's

Uniform colors are green or white tops and blue pants. As for regular clothing, jeans and simple tops will help, same sizes.
032906 Jana Clark Camp Hill, PA
Financial Assistance
Been laid off over 1 1/2 years ago, and struggling to keep the apt we rent. Son is 10 w/severe Bipolar Disorder. I get daily calls from school, have worked with officials and social workers to help him. He's on Lithium, Zoloft, and Strattera and becoming immune to the meds fast, his behaviors falters so often. Psychiatrist keeps increasing meds. This costs a fortune. I'm still waiting for his Medicaid to go through to help with those costs. He's also in therapy weekly and becomes so depressed that almost weekly or more he talks about killing himself and just cries all night long! I've hid knives on more than one occasions. He continues to have bizarre behaviors that are dangerous and he has no concept that he could suffer severe consequences because of this behavior. The problem is I need money for finding a new place to live. We have been evicted, and have to be out next week. I was finally offered a job last week, but have no savings, credit cards, etc. I declared bankruptcy immediately after I lost my job. So, I don't qualify for sect 8 housing even. I have spoken with many people at the county assistance office. I don't think that makes sense, but because it is, I have a real problem finding decent housing. We may have to stay at a friend's, but there is no room for us, and I don't know how my son will act while there. It is a grave concern to me. He's capable of everything. I want to NOT remain living with anyone for too long. I start my job next week, and don't know how long it will take to come up with enough money for first rent and security deposit, let alone finding a landlord who would be willing to take a chance with my credit history. I desperately want to be able to keep my son in his school, as I fear a sudden change would only make his condition worse. If anyone can help me out with money for rent and deposit, it would be greatly appreciated. I am not apposed to paying it back, very soon. It is just bad timing with the eviction and a new job. I don't have the money upfront. Thanks for listening, and for any help! It won't ever be forgotten!!!
032206 Kissie Thompson North Miami,  FL 305-899-5571
Financial Assistance
I really need help with paying my rent which is $1250.00 per month I tried to apply for section 8 but the waiting list is 5 yrs. long I also have 2 sons and 1 daughter ages 11, 9, and 10 months. My kids and I would really appreciated if someone could please help us on a monthly bases with our rent until I could find a job at a nursing home. Thank You and May God Bless
021406 Regina Stennis Modesto, CA 209-622-6733
Clothes, food, shoes, transportation, affordable housing and a job.
I am a mother of 2 and I have bipolar disorder. I am looking for a job to support my children and myself.  I need help with clothes, shoes, transportation and food. I need a place that I can afford.  My rent is taking everything and leaving me in debt every month. PLEASE HELP.
121505 Karen Middleport, PA (friend email) Gifts for Christmas
No phone, used a friends computer. We have 4 young children. My husband just started a new job and isn't even making enough too pay the bills. We had a little money put away for Christmas, but we had to spend it on vehicle problems so he can get to work. We spent over 600.00 and we still owe 300.00 before Christmas. We have nothing for our children. Please help. We are in desperate need for any help. 3 Boys ages 10, 6, and 2. And a girl age 8. Thank you.
121105 Kechaun Indianapolis, IN 317-890-8595
Gifts for Christmas
There is a lot in need. I need help for Christmas presents....I'm 14 years old and I want to have a good Christmas this year. I have two sisters one 15 1/2, and the other 13. We are late in bills (mostly all of them), and we have been struggling for a long time. What I want really is for me and my sister's to have a good Christmas. I want my mother to have presents and for all of us to be happy. We all need shoes, coats etc. usually what teenagers need. I'm just asking that you put presents under our tree. I'm afraid that there will be none when we wake up on Christmas day. Please make my wish come true. We're getting too old, and sooner or later were going to be too old to know what a real Christmas looks like. Keep us in your prayers and help us, cause we are in need. God bless you, for what ever you can do.
121105 Tamera Lewis Middletown, OH 513-420-0153
Gifts for Christmas I am 39 and have thyroid cancer. I just found out last week about it. I go for treatment next month. My work laid me off due to my health. I have been with the company for 5 1/2 years. I need a Christmas basket and I have no money for my bills to pay. I am behind and I have no money for my family this year for Christmas gifts. I never new I would be in a shape like this. I cry so much. Please help me..
121105 James Dearinger Livingston, CA
Gifts for Christmas
I have a 10yr old daughter and I'm an evacuee from Mississippi. I've used everything to set up a house and get clothes like all the others waiting on FEMA to let it go. If anyone can help with anything for her, it would be greatly appreciated.
120905 Belinda Perry Freport, TX 979-373-0072
Gifts for Christmas I am in need of finding help with Christmas for my four children. I have a girl 15, twins girl and boy 13, my youngest is 3 1/2. My husband has had very little work in last couple weeks and we are behind on bills. If any one could possibly help with any type of presents for my stepchildren and my daughter it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.                                                             
120405 Brenda Jakes Barstow, CA 310-627-9641 Message Phone
Gifts for Christmas
I don't have a phone, just a message phone. I am a single mother of two girls, Desaire and Angela. We moved to Barstow 6 months ago and this year it will hard for me to buy gifts for my daughters for Christmas. I am on a fixed income and just have enough money to pay rent and the bills. I really need help this year. I don't know what to do so I am writing you. Can you help me? I will be very happy. Thank you.
120305 Chaplain Michael Zurn Colton CA 909-824-5140
We are five returning adults (ages 35 to 62) at our local community college majoring in Human Services and or Alcohol/ Drug Studies Program. We are in need of 2000 dollars to assist us in filing for our non profit organization. We want to build a small 40 bed shelter here in Colton CA. Lawyers want 5000 dollars plus to assist us in our IRS filing. We can do it ourselves cheaper. The monies we are asking for will cover the filing fees, and services fees of a paralegal agency helping us. We are looking forward to your reply and support. Chaplain Mike, Colton Mission & Ministries
112105 Angela Woodbridge Bakersfield, CA
No Phone
Christmas Presents
I need help with Christmas presents for my three children 2 boys ages 2 and 7, 1 girl age 5 anything at all would help. I am not able to give them a Christmas this year so any kind of help would be so wonderful. Thank you
111805 Teresa Bronson Great Bend, KS 620-617-9052 (after 9pm or weekends as I have no daytime minutes left and our night & weekend minutes run out on Nov. 22..So phone will be out of minutes from Nov. 22 to Dec. 1st but you can still call from now until Nov. 22 after 9pm and on weekends or after Dec. 1st.) Toys for Christmas
I am a 38 year old single mom of 4 boys and we live on a very small income of $576.00 a month which after rent and a few bills dosen't leave anything. Toby age 8, Verbal Apraxia and Learning Disabilities He loves Matchbox Cars especially the cop cars and he likes Spongebob, Dora the explorer, Scooby Doo and Dinosaurs. He also likes Playstation 1 Games (the driving ones or Mario or Spyro), Carpenter Jeans size 9 slim, his favorite color is Pink. D.J. age 9, rambunctious little boy, loves Yu-gi-oh Cards, dinosaurs, playstation 1 games (same as Toby),  Gameboy Advance Games, scooby Doo, Dexters Lab, carpenter Jeans size 9 slim, favorite color is Green.
Michael age 12, ADD. He loves, Bionicles, Legos, Playstation 2 games (rated E), Gameboy Advance Games, Computer Games, Dale Earnheart Jr., Dinosaurs, Sweatpants (Mens Large), his favorite color is Red. R.C. age 16, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and Severe Asthma, loves Playstation 1 Games, CD's (Country Music), Tools (cordless drill - Staple Gun - etc.), Computer Games, Panda Bears, Board Games (Mad Gab), carpenter Jeans (size 29 waist 32 length), favorite color is Blue. New or Used is Fine my kids don't care if its used it is new to them and thats all that matters. They are pretty easy to please and are just as happy with clothes as a toy.God Bless Anyone Who Finds It In Their Heart To Put A Smile On A Childs Face!!!!! 
111705 Teresa Bronson Great Bend, KS 620-617-9052 (after 9pm or weekends as I have no daytime minutes left and our night & weekend minutes run out on Nov. 22..So phone will be out of minutes from Nov. 22 to Dec. 1st but you can still call from now until Nov. 22 after 9pm and on weekends or after Dec. 1st.) Attorney Assistance
We are in need of an Attorney who will work on payments for a custody case spanning 3 states & a Felony case. We live on a very limited income of $576.00 a month (my sons SSI check). I am a 38 year old single mom of 4 boys ages 161298 and I pride myself on being strong for my kids, but sometimes being strong means asking for help. We live on a very limited income and I have no family still alive except for 2 brothers who are just as bad off as we are. We need an Attorney who will work on payments as we are trying to get my 12 year old back home with us (where he was from birth to age 8) until his father kidnapped him 4 years ago. Very complicated case but cant get anyone to listen to our side of the story. Any help offered will be greatly greatly appreciated!!!!!
111405 Ninette Scott Lafayette, IN 765-477-0032 Food for Christmas My need is that I hope you could help me with a grocery store food certificate for Christmas dinner so I can cook for my son 14 years old and I. I am disabled and on a very low monthly income that lets me live month to month. He is 14 has ADHD and learning disabilities and I would like to get him one gift. Thank You!
110905 Michelle Moyer Lancaster, PA (717)295-7023
Christmas Presents I am in need of Christmas presents for my son and sister who I raise. I just lost my job and don't think I will be able to afford to buy them anything. My son Austin is 10 years old. He wears an 8/10. He likes reading books, LEGOs, board games like monopoly & life, star wars, and Harry Potter. My sister Heather is 16 years old. She wears a 10/12. She likes reading books, drawing, listening to music, Harry Potter, and makeup.
110705 Miranda Kelley Walhalla, SC 864-638-8137
Christmas for a 4 year old
I am in need of help with Christmas for my 4 year old.  Anything will help.  Thanks.
100305 Vicki Marsh Columbus, OH 614-238-3164
To Pay Electric Bill I am a 46 year old disabled mother, I suffer from Polymorphus light eruption, I am severely allergic to the sun.  I am in need of help with my electric bill.  The total bill is 797.00. I need 185.00 by the 11th of October to avoid disconnection.  I only need help this once.  Please I recently moved to Columbus so that my son can attend college with the help of financial aid and we recently had car problems and had to get the car fixed.  If there is anyone out there that can help us this one time we will appreciate it. 
021605 Cindy Parker Littlestown, PA 717-359-8389 Any help How do i start, my 26 year old son, James Franklin Few Jr. has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 weeks ago.  Since then everything has went down hill, every time a doctor has told us something at York Hospital, in York, Pennsylvania, it was worse, we are at 2wks. to 2mths. Life with aggressive chemo. since then they have tried the chemo and it apparently is not working. I am sure the hospital is doing everything they can but the anger is so strong with no one to strike out at. Jimbo James has 2 children, 5 and 3 and a wife, they are low income, with welfare insurance and no life insurance, anything that any one can help with would be beyond grateful. I have been to the bigger charities and they are swallowed up with the Tsunami help and are unable to help at this time. Maybe at a later date, well we do not have that much time.
060904 Annmarie Moreno
Phoenix, AZ 602-269-0656
Clothing and Shoes for children I don't know who I should ask for some help with clothes assistances. I never in my life would of thought I'd be in a situation with having to look for assistance with clothing my two kids. This past year I left my children's father whom never did for us but to steal from us and give me down. And now it's been almost a year and things couldn't be more happier in my kids lives. I know this cause of the things my children say to me . This kind of makes me wonder why I waited so long. I'm ashamed and embarrassed to ask you for this and don't like feeling I haven't got any other solution to this problem. I don't want my kids to know that mom doesn't have the money for clothes. I just want them to enjoy being a kid. If there is any way you might be able to help me with this I really would appreciate anything and forever thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Bobby wears size 16 / 18 in shorts & pants ,shirts size large. Celeste wears size 20 in shorts & pants, shirts size large.

She usually wears the pant and shorts that stretch around the waist. Because some of the medicine she has to take for her asthma her weight goes up and down. 

Celeste dress uniform for school is a size 20 . And I looked inside. Bobby shoe and it says size 4 so maybe a 41/2 size and Celeste shoe inside says 41/2 so maybe a 5 size shoe .
020902 Karen Magee Ypsilanti, Michigan 2 queen size quilts For son with CP.
010602 Lydia Far Rockaway, New York and (718)868-9122 Donations of all kinds I'm a single mother of 4 kids, 16,15,12 & 4. I'm unemployed at the present time, very desperate. Don't have sufficient funds to take care of them. Cant do anything for them for Christmas, not even a dinner. Please if you can find it in your hearts to help "us" we will very much appreciate it. Thank you for just taking a minute for us. Blessings to all.
070701 Steve Inger Phoenix, AZ 602 485-7862 Roommate High functioning disabled adult M/W seeking female roommate, 18-30 years old, who speaks English and has own transportation.  Currently lives at approx. 32nd St and Thomas.
060101 Joanne Thompson Alcolu, SC
803 473-2441
Infomation on Grandin School For Autism Arizona Info on two week camp in California for families of autistic child (as seen on Discovery Channel) Chris's Camp?
041714 Lesia Springdale,AR Boys clothing, size 12 to 16 Single mom of 3 boys,  one being handicapped,  needs boys clothing. Any boys clothing from size 12 to 16 would be very helpful. God bless anyone who may help me.
021801 Lynn Ingall Lincoln, England Toys Special needs toys for autistic boys haven't got any money to pay but would be very grateful.
090500 Tammy Doom Arizona Contractor or Builder Assistance in building handicapped addition to house. 3 special kids.
020800 Mandi Not Indicated Low cost VCR For disabled mother

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